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Website © 2014 Ben Collins

political economic theory hopism

The biggest challenge of all is solving our inefficient, inequal, unjust, undemocratic society that makes people slave and damages earth. Hopism iimproves things for people and the planet - probably!

Hopism is political theory written by an ordinary person with ordinary aspirations for life. Hopism recognises and accepts human nature’s weaknesses and strengths and tries to build a realistic framework to create a society of low tax, high social service and low waste.




| loanism | non-jobs | nonetarism | corruptation | crimecancer | mortgageslavery |

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This is Hopism-Beta-Edition, republished again after a four year break due to background issues. It is still edition 1 and could do with some editing, better english, slicker graphics, some videos and many more diagrams. That will get done sometime during rainy dark November 2014, together with a discussion forum, where this rough idea can be beaten into shape and better written by contributors.

The end result is more useful work done, a happier society and more free time to enjoy your life - whilst knowing that social obligations are met.


Hopism is short and sweet

Hopism is under development, there will be bits you like and bits you dont, maybe there could be different splinter variants. The theory itself is simple and should take less than an afternoon to understand. There are around twenty texts on the webring, each less than a thousand words.

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Opens the original Hopism Version 1 from 2010 published at Issuu

Hopism Intro

H.O.P.E. Hedonistically Organised Productism and Emancipation

Have you ever wondered why men and women work work 40 hours per week, the same as the 1930´s? Except back then, only the male worked in a job and the female worked at home as a housewife.

We now have; computers, optical communications, domestic machines, super-tractors, mega-machines, smaller families, better medicines, fewer wars and both sexes working. The social and civil infrastructure is built; houses, roads, railways, factories. But we are all working harder and longer than before...Huh?

Loanism and Nonetarism, poor products and inefficiencies are stealing our lives. There are several financial frothing mechanisms which make the frothmakers rich, but devalue real wealth for everybody else. These frothing mechanisms are against the principles of capitalism and must be stamped out. To understand the solution, first understand the problems.

Hedonistically Organised Productism and Emancipation (HOPE) offers a practical route to deliver a society that gives time for us to live our lives, be energised for our work, live sustainably on Earth and cure cyclical social ills. Mechanisms that steal our time can be dissolved by applying HOPE fundamentals. We can build better products, eliminate noney and loanism that is devaluing our labour and realign processes to ultra organisation and simplisation principles.

It is time to embrace our greatest gift, time itself, to bring balance to working and living. Modern Property Capitalism is fast ripping our world to shreds, Socialism is corruptable and Communism does not work properly.

HOPE proposes Capcialism as a realistic system that generates real wealth, extra free time whilst also stabilising our beautiful world.

Hopism is the application of H.O.P.E., several interconnected fundamental concepts in politics, economics and democracy. These things shapes our lives, culture, happiness and consumption of earth resources.

Ultimately thinking up better engines or wind turbines is useful, but this does not resolve mans ever expanding consumption of resources and growing population which is fuelled by economic processes and cultural attitudes. Only by changing those cultural attitudes which are derived mainly from economic processes that envelop our daily lives, can we obtain true sustainability and also live happy fulfilling lives in a tranquil, prosperous and stabilised society.

The end result is not everybody dripping with diamond necklaces, but finding time in our lives to enjoy the simple things like playing games with our children or picnics with friends. This is the aim of HOPISM.

H.O.P.E. is the political method using Capcialism and other fundamentals to achieve the four day week that will emancipate our lives and transform this weary world of five day drudgery and short weekends to one of better balance with more fun and rest.